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MCD sealed 25 shops in Sadar Bazar, traders took out march against officials

Traders marched in Sadar Bazar protesting the sealing of shops through MCD. The trade union representatives said that the officials are doing this to show supremacy and with wrong intentions.

New Delhi: Delhi: The MCD, which is considered to be the sub-government in the capital Delhi, is working like an unbridled horse without a mayor. On the one hand, under the "Government at your doorstep" scheme, to bring the deteriorating condition of small and medium businessmen back on track during the Coronavirus period, the ministers of the Delhi government are working together with the businessmen of Delhi to eliminate the problem. are trying. At the same time, the MCD officials are sealing the shops of traders of other areas including Sadar Bazar, one of the biggest markets of the country, forcing them to wander from door to door. Traders of Delhi are now angry due to the arbitrariness of the MCD officials.

In the action taken in Delhi's Sadar Bazar market, MCD has sealed 25 shops. Due to which there is a lot of anger among the traders of Sadar Bazar, traders protested on foot march and protest against this action of MCD. Traders allege that Naushahs and MCD of Delhi have sealed shops illegally and arbitrarily.

The owner of one of the sealed shops told that when he objected to the sealing of the shop in front of the MCD officials, the officials cited the notice given to him 10 months in advance. The aggrieved shopkeepers say that if the notice was issued 10 months ago, then why was the MCD sleeping till now. He accused it of harassing traders and sealing shops as part of a conspiracy by MCD officials.

March taken out from Chowk Qutub Road to Pul Mithai Chowk in protest

The Sadar Bazar Traders Association took out a march from Chowk Qutub Road to Pul Mithai Chowk to protest against the sealing, after which the traders also staged a sit-in demonstration. The traders staged this sit-in and protest under the leadership of former Mayor Jayaprakash JP, Federation Chairman Paramjit Singh Pamma. In which President Rakesh Kumar Yadav, Executive President Chaudhary Yogendra Singh, General Secretary Kamal Kumar and many businessmen of Sadar Bazar unitedly expressed their protest.

The Delhi government had made this promise to the traders

Traders said that a few days ago, Ministers and MLAs of Delhi Government and other representatives had reached to them at Jhabban Lal Dharamshala, located in Teliwada, Sadar Bazar, under Delhi Government's initiative "Delhi Sarkar, Aapke Dwar". After talking, heard their problems and their suggestions for the betterment of Sadar Bazar.

During this, the Delhi government representatives had assured that the Delhi government is always standing with them, and whatever problem they face will be resolved and if any work stops due to lack of funds, then the Delhi government fund will also be arranged for that. Will do But a few days after his meeting with the representatives of the Delhi government, the shopkeepers were hit by the sealing by the MCD.

MCD officers are doing arbitrary

Traders say that it has been one and a half months since the MCD elections, but till now the MCD has not been formed. Taking advantage of which the MCD officers are doing arbitrariness. This is just the dictatorship of the officers, who have sealed the shops of traders to show their supremacy and with wrong intentions. He told that the MCD officials sealed their shops on the grounds of falling in the residential area, while the reality is that 95 percent of the entire Sadar Bazar area is commercial.

Former BJP mayor accused AAP

Jai Prakash, a former mayor of MCD and a councilor from BJP, while talking to abp live, accused the Aam Aadmi Party and said that "in the BJP government" these shops were never sealed. How did these shops get sealed as soon as the Aam Aadmi Party won the MCD. He said that this market area comes under the ward area of 2 councilors Usha Sharma and Shamima Bano and both are AAP's councilors from the ward. At present, even though the oath of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councilor has not been taken in MCD, the local officials are working on their instructions.

Due to the negligence of MCD, many illegal shops open on the track – TA Chairman

Paramjit Singh Pamma, chairman of the Federation of Sadar Bazar Traders Association (TA), told that only the traders are harassed by the MCD officials and not cooperation. Hundreds of illegal shops open on the track due to the negligence of MCD. Due to this the shopkeepers have to face a lot of trouble. The roads are broken due to which the traders coming from outside face a lot of difficulty in reaching the shops of the market. Cleaning is being done in name only, there is no arrangement of toilets for women. Pamma said that if there is a light rain here, there is water logging, due to which the commuters have to face difficulties.


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